New Undoing Whiteness Course Starting this Fall

July 25, 2023

Brooklyn Zen Center (BZC) is excited to announce the offering of a new iteration of our ten-month program, Undoing Whiteness as The Path of Liberation, starting this fall. This course is intended to support an individual and collective process of illuminating and transforming the racial conditioning of whiteness and white supremacy within the framework of Mahayana Buddhism, as the bodhisattva path of liberation.

The course will begin with an immersive in-person retreat from October 13-15 at the Watershed Center in Millerton, NY, and will continue with nine monthly online meetings through the end of June, 2024. See the program announcement for the full calendar and details.

We welcome the participation of all practitioners who are conditioned or socially identified as white. Mixed-race or multiracial practitioners with European ancestry who wish to explore their own relationship to whiteness are also warmly invited to participate.

There are limited seats available, so please apply as early as you can.