New podcast episode: dharma talk by Ejo Patrick McMullen

June 7, 2024

The dharma talk offered by visiting teacher Ejo Patrick McMullen at Boundless Mind Temple in Brooklyn on May 25 is now available on the BZC Podcast.

Ejo Patrick McMullen also visited the teachers and residents at Ancestral Heart Temple in Millerton, NY.

Ejo Patrick McMullen is the current Abbot of Buddha Eye Zen Community Temple. Ejo was ordained as a Soto Zen priest in 1995 and completed his monastic training at Daijoji Monastery in Kanazawa prefecture, Japan. In 1998, he received Denpo (Dharma Transmission) from Joshin Kiera Roshi, the founder of Buddha Eye Temple and the previous Abbot of Shurinji temple in Sendai, Japan. Joshin Kiera Roshi passed away in May of 2023. Committed to the flourishing of Soto Zen in North America, Ejo is currently the Assistant Director of the Soto Zen North American Office, a Full Member of the Soto Zen Buddhist Association, at which he served as Board Member from 2007 – 2013, and is a member of the American Zen Teachers Association. He currently lives in Eugene, Oregon with his wife Azusa.