
You can find the latest information on BZC’s upcoming zazen schedule, retreats, classes, workshops, and other offerings here. Use the filters on the left to sort by location and event type, or use the calendar to see events on a given day. Click on any event for more information and to register.

For information on engaged practice groups, please see here and contact the groups directly for details on their offerings.




Writing to Study the Self

Dogen encouraged us to “study the self.” How might the practice of writing allow us to look deeply at our personality, karma, history, and social conditioning—a sustained engagement in this self study? Participants in this three-month course will be offered craft talks, prompts, and practices to look deeply at the self. Meets Sundays, 3-5pm ET, every other week (September 8, 22, October 6, 20, November 3, 17). With Chenxing Han, Jenny Xie, Norman Fischer, and Ruth Ozeki.



The Sixteen Bodhisattva Precepts, with Charlie Korin Pokorny

Join the precepts class this fall, led by BZC dharma teacher Charlie Korin Pokorny! Taking place over 12 Tuesdays from Sept 17–Dec 3, 7:00–8:30 PM EST, this online class is required of all those wishing to receive the precepts from a teacher (jukai), and recommended for everyone in leadership roles at BZC. It's also a wonderful way to deepen one's connection to the rich tradition of Soto Zen.