
You can find the latest information on BZC’s upcoming zazen schedule, retreats, classes, workshops, and other offerings here. Use the filters on the left to sort by location and event type, or use the calendar to see events on a given day. Click on any event for more information and to register.

For information on engaged practice groups, please see here and contact the groups directly for details on their offerings.


Events: November 9th, 2023

In Person

October 13, 2023

Undoing Whiteness as the Path of Liberation: 2023 Program

Our Approach What is “Undoing Whiteness” from a Buddhist Perspective? This program begins from the ... Undoing Whiteness as the Path of Liberation: 2023 Program

Zazen (Meditation)

November 9, 2023 7:30 am

Online Weekly Meditation

BZC’s online weekly meditation schedule is open to the public at all times and is offered Monday through Friday starting at 7:30am EST. Please check the Events calendar for exceptions.