
You can find the latest information on BZC’s upcoming zazen schedule, retreats, classes, workshops, and other offerings here. Use the filters on the left to sort by location and event type, or use the calendar to see events on a given day. Click on any event for more information and to register.

For information on engaged practice groups, please see here and contact the groups directly for details on their offerings.


Events: February 8th, 2025

In Person
Zazen (Meditation)
Millerton Zendo

January 6, 2024 10:00 am

Sunday Morning Program

Join us for the Sunday morning program at the Millerton Zendo in the town of Millerton, NY. You are welcome to come to all or just part of the program schedule. All are welcome, no previous meditation experience necessary! Please note that meditation instruction will be offered on the first Sunday of the month at 9:30 AM (doors open at 9:15 AM).

In Person
Dharma Offering
Boundless Mind Temple

January 8, 2025 7:00 pm

In-Person Dharma Share (2nd, 4th, and 5th Wednesdays, 7:00 PM–8:30 PM)

Join us at Boundless Mind Temple in Brooklyn on the 2nd, 4th & 5th Wednesday evenings for the BZC Dharma Shares—a time for the Sangha community to gather in a less formal, more interactive setting to talk about our life of Zen practice. 

In Person
Boundless Mind Temple

January 18, 2025 9:30 am

Beginner’s Mind (Jan 11–Feb 1)

Join us for a four-week class for newcomers to Zen practice at Boundless Mind Temple in Brooklyn, with BZC guiding teachers, Sarah Dōjin Emerson and Charlie Korin Pokorny. Register by January 8.


February 4, 2025 7:00 pm

The Four Foundations of Mindfulness

Join this online class where we will turn to Shakyamuni Buddha’s teaching on the four foundations of mindfulness. Led by Kidō Ian Case and Camille Shigetsu Goodison. Delivered online, over six Tuesdays. Register by February 3.

In Person
Dharma Offering
Boundless Mind Temple

February 8, 2025 9:00 am

Saturday Morning Program

Join us for our Saturday morning program at Boundless Mind Temple in Brooklyn, which will include zazen, service, as well as a dharma talk by Jefre Cantu. Childcare will be available from 9 to 11:15 AM.