Dharma Offering

Saturday Morning Program

February 8, 2025

9:00 AM - 12:40 PM

Boundless Mind Temple
326 Clinton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231
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Join us for our Saturday morning program at Boundless Mind Temple in Brooklyn, which will include zazen instruction, service, as well as a dharma talk by Jefre Cantu at 11:20 AM EST.

Childcare is available from 9–11:15 AM (rescheduled from February 1).

The talk will also be live-streamed. For security reasons, we do not post zoom links publicly. Please sign up to “This Week at BZC” mailing list to receive the log in information.

You are welcome to come to all or just part of the program schedule:

09:00 AM — Doors open
09:25 AM — Han (wooden board calling people to meditation)
09:40 AM — Zazen (seated meditation)
10:10 AM— Kinhin (walking meditation)
10:20 AM — Zazen
10:50 AM — Service (ceremonial chanting, bowing and incense offering)
11:20 AM — Dharma talk with Jefre Cantu
12:20 PM — Soji (temple cleaning practice)
12:40 PM — Tea (informal tea time)


Childcare is provided every first Saturday of the month (***please note this month is an exception***) by volunteer sangha members from 9 to 11:15 AM. Children will be located in the “tree room,” a few steps away from the zendo (meditation hall) and/or in the courtyard when the weather is warm. At 11:15, children will be allowed to enter the zendo during the dharma talk and service. Guardians are asked to bring whatever their child may need including diapers, wipes and snacks.

While drop-ins are welcome, it is helpful for us to know, in advance, how many children to expect, so please complete this form so we can plan accordingly and have ample hands to care for your small being(s)!


Jefre Cantu has been a member of Brooklyn Zen Center since moving to New York City in the summer of 2013. He began Zen training at the San Francisco Zen Center, where he received the Bodhisattva precepts from his root teacher, Soshin Teah Strozer Roshi in 2005. He took priest ordination with Soshin Roshi in 2021, who gave him the Dharma name Devotion Moon, Clear Seeing. Jefre is a graduate of Union Theological Seminary, where he received an MiDiv in Buddhism and Interreligious Engagement in 2019 under the advisement of Kosen Greg Snyder, who is also his current Zen teacher. He lives in the Hudson Valley with his family, and works as a Hospice Chaplain.


Location Details

Boundless Mind Temple is located in the Parish House of Christ Church Cobble Hill, next to 326 Clinton Street. Enter the driveway on Clinton, go past the scaffolding, and through the double doors. There are two flights of stairs leading to the center, located on the second floor. The closest subway stop is the F/G at Bergen Street.


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  • For monthly newsletters and/or weekly agendas, choose from your BZC Mailing List options here.
  • To receive community news and updates on offerings, request to join the BZC Community Listserv here.
  • For updates specifically from the Millerton Zendo, please request to join the Millerton Zendo Community Listserv here.



BZC relies on donations to sustain its spaces, teachers, and staff. Make a gift on our website, via PayPal through paypal@brooklynzen.org or Venmo. You can also support a dharma teacher or practice leader here. Or, consider becoming a Member to support us year-round!


COVID Protocol

We ask that all participants be fully vaccinated and boosted. Masks are optional. Please see the BZC Covid Protocol for more information.


We are in an historical building which is not wheelchair accessible. There are two flights of stairs leading to the center, located on the second floor. Chairs, benches, and extra support cushions are available. If you have any additional questions about accessibility, please contact us at info@brooklynzen.org.
Saturday Morning Program