Special Offering

One-Day Work Practice Retreat

July 20, 2024

9:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Boundless Mind Temple
326 Clinton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231
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“The Way-Seeking Mind of the tenzo is actualized by rolling up your sleeves.”
—Eihei Dogen, Tenzo Kyōkun

Our 13th century ancestor Dogen is talking about the head cook in this quotation, but these words can apply to work in any context. In this retreat, we will explore the nonduality of work and practice by rolling up our own sleeves!

The schedule will feature periods of zazen, a discussion with the Boundless Mind temple work practice leaders and Ancestral Heart Temple tanto Kidō Ian Case, and periods of work.

The full schedule is as follows:
09:30am —  Work period / Set-up
10:30am — Zazen (seated meditation)
11:00am — Kinhin (walking meditation)
11:10am — Zazen
11:40am — Ryo Head (Work Practice Leaders) Panel Q&R
12:30pm — Lunch
01:30pm — Work period
03:30pm — Zazen
04:00pm — Refuges
04:05pm — Break-down
04:30pm — End


Kidō Ian Case has been a student at Brooklyn Zen Center since its inception in 2005. During this time, he has taken on various administrative and practice roles at the center, including serving for several years as Ino (head of the meditation hall) and as director from 2019 to 2022. He was in residence for 15 months at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center in 2015-2016 and was ordained as a priest by Teah Strozer in October 2016. He served as shuso (head student) at BZC for the fall 2019 practice period and received teacher entrustment from Kosen Gregory Snyder in August 2022. Ian holds an MA in Linguistics from the City University of New York and a Masters of Divinity in Buddhism and Interreligious Engagement from Union Theological Seminary. He currently serves as the Tanto (Head of Practice) of Ancestral Heart Temple.

By donation
We are in an historical building which is not wheelchair accessible. There are two flights of stairs leading to the center, located on the second floor. Chairs, benches, and extra support cushions are available. If you have any additional questions about accessibility, please contact us at info@brooklynzen.org.
One-Day Work Practice Retreat