New Audio Dharma by Laura O’Loughlin

February 14, 2018

You can now listen to a dharma talk by BZC’s dharma teacher and senior lay practitioner Laura O’Loughlin: Living What Matters Most (01-30-2016)

In this talk, Laura explored the topic of death:

“We don’t have to wait until we’re in crisis, because we thought we were going to be able to hang on to something we couldn’t hang on to. Death is with us with every moment of every day and, to me, the whole practice is: ‘How do we begin to feel some acceptance of death?’”

You can find more dharma talks at the Audio Dharma section of this website.

Our programs are given free of charge and made possible by the donations we receive. If you would like to support Brooklyn Zen Center, please visit the “Giving” section of this website. A suggested donation of $10 per audio dharma talk is greatly appreciated.