Dharma Talk With Grace Schireson Tonight

September 25, 2014

Please join us tonight for a special dharma talk with Grace Schireson at 8pm. The title of her talk is “The Self–Can’t Live With It, Can’t Live Without It.” Please register here.

Myoan Grace Schireson, PhD, is a Zen Abbess, president of Shogaku Zen Institute (a Zen teachers’ training seminary), and holds a doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the Wright Institute in Berkeley, California. She received Dharma Transmission from Sojun Mel Weitsman Roshi in the Shunryu Suzuki Roshi Zen lineage. The late Fukushima Keido Roshi of Tofukuji Monastery, Kyoto asked her to teach the koan she studied with him during her practice there. Abbess Myoan Grace leads two practice centers and a retreat center, Empty Nest Zendo, under the Central Valley Zen Foundation
Abbess Myoan Grace is the author of Zen Women: Beyond Tea Ladies, Iron Maidens and Macho Masters (Wisdom, 2009), and has published articles in Shambhala Sun, Buddhadharma and Tricycle magazines. She has also been anthologized in The Book of Mu, Receiving the Marrow, The Hidden Lamp, and Seeds of Virtue, Seeds of Change as well as in a book on spiritual training: The Arts of Contemplative Care.  She has been married for 46 years, and lives with her husband part time on Stanford campus and at her Zen retreat center, Empty Nest Zendo in North Fork, California. She has two grown sons and four grandchildren.