New Audio Dharma Talk: Taigen Leighton

November 8, 2017

You can now listen to a dharma talk by Taigen Leighton on Bodhisattva Values and Social Action (03/25/2017). 

In this talk, Taigen Leighton offered Dharmic sources for inspiring active societal response and helpfulness, including bodhisattva precepts and transcendent practices, and teachings from traditional Zen masters such as Hongzhi and Dogen.

Taigen Dan Leighton is the guiding Dharma Teacher at Ancient Dragon Zen Gate,  a community of practitioners committed to being a home for Soto Zen Buddhist meditation practice in Chicago. Taigen relocated to Chicago from the S.F. Bay area in 2007. He now works to develop accessible practice and training programs in the Chicago area through Ancient Dragon Zen Gate. Taigen is an author, scholar, and translator, as well as a fully authorized teacher in Shunryu Suzuki Roshi’s Soto Zen lineage and a Dharma heir of Tenshin Reb Anderson. He still teaches online through the Institute of Buddhist Studies of the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley.

You can find more dharma talks at the Audio Dharma section of this website.

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