New BZC Podcast episodes now available!

November 5, 2024

Calling in Ancestors and Offering Out Our Prayers
Meditation led by Sarah Dōjin Emerson (11/2/2024)
Recorded at Boundless Mind Temple in Brooklyn, NY

Welcome Everything, Push Away Nothing
Audio Dharma Talk with Tova Green (9/22/2024)
Recorded at Millerton Zendo in Millerton NY.

The Practice of Practice Period
Audio Dharma Talk with Ian Kidō Case (09/08/2024)
Recorded at Millerton Zendo in Millerton NY.

Domestic Dharma
Audio Dharma Talk: Dr. Paula Arai (10/26/2024)
Recorded at Boundless Mind Temple in Brooklyn, NY.
“When buddhist modes of being becomes fused into the foundation, home becomes a refuge for healing.”

The Healing Practice of Non-Resistance
Audio Dharma Talk with Ian Kidō Case (10/19/2024)
Recorded at Boundless Mind Temple in Brooklyn, NY.

Necessarily Complicated
Audio Dharma Talk with Sarah Dojin Emerson (10/12/2024)
Recorded at Boundless Mind Temple in Brooklyn, NY.

We need to keep talking about Palestine
Audio Dharma Talk with Sarah Dojin Emerson (10/05/2024)
Recorded at Boundless Mind Temple in Brooklyn, NY.

The BZC Podcast is offered free of charge and made possible by the donations we receive. You can donate to BZC here. Thank you for your generosity!